Damage to the spine, and the pain and symptoms that it brings, affects patients in many different ways. At Sizemore Chiropractic, we have the skills, resources and experience to help, and a compassionate and attentive approach to chiropractic care. Let us help you to pursue better holistic health, and heal what hurts!
Auto Accident Injuries
Sometimes chiropractic problems come from out of the blue. Maybe you’re on a routine trip in the car, and suddenly you’re the victim of a back end collision.
These types of trauma can cause issues such as whiplash and various forms of spinal conditions that can cause a lot of chronic pain and suffering over time. Read about the experience of Nancy and Troy on our website, and how Dr. Leslie Sizemore approached healing in the situation.
Spinal Problems: The Pain of Aging
Other types of spinal damage happen over time.
Think of them as general “wear and tear” on the body.
For instance, in a condition called cervical spondylosis, the discs in the spine dehydrate and shrink as the patient ages. Secondary problems like osteoarthritis and bone spurs can develop.
This is a very common condition that often requires some type of response and treatment.
On our website, Karen talks about her struggle with cervical spondylosis and her visit to Dr. Leslie.
“I can literally say, without reservation, Dr. Sizemore has given my life back to me,” she says. “I’m doing all the things I used to do and loved to do prior to the onset of unbearable pain caused by cervical spondylosis. I am thankful for her every day! With C5 and C6 in such terrible shape, I was doomed to a life riddled with severe pain or faced with the possibly surgery to alleviate the symptoms. Thank you Dr. Sizemore for taking the challenge to embark on years of education which has changed lives, just like mine, for the better.”
We are glad to be able to help Karen and others suffering from this condition to alleviate some of the challenges they face as they age.
Nerve Problems
Our spines are intricately connected with muscles, nerves and various fascia, and tissues that can insulate and support spinal health. However, it’s easy for nerves to become trapped, pinched or blocked due to range of motion issues or various other types of impact.
Dr. Sizemore is experienced in helping patients with diverse nerve problems. In consulting with patients, she is often able to recommend less invasive treatments such as adjustments and spinal manipulations, rather than extreme options like surgery and drugs.
That’s part of our philosophy – that we help patients to choose the best and least invasive treatments that work. In some cases, drugs and surgeries are necessary, but where medications can be habit-forming and surgery requires dedicated recovery, some patients are able to benefit from natural chiropractic alignment and other methods to regain better health and alleviate pain and symptoms.
Ask Sizemore Chiropractic about how we can help you! Find out more on our website about how we approach your health and help you to improve your quality of life.