There are three things in life that make the human body sick: Chemical Stress, Emotional Stress, and Physical Stress. When the body is under stress the fight or flight response is triggered which in turn stimulates your sympathetic nervous system (SNS). When your SNS is stimulated your heart beats faster, blood pressure increases, vision becomes clearer and your senses become more acute. In response to the messages that are sent to the brain from the SNS, your adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. This is all good if we are running from a vicious animal or confronting a threat to our physical safety. But when prolonged, the long-term effects of this state can be disastrous to our health.
Stress is a reality of modern living. Especially in Western Society, where long hours are being worked and the media is constantly overloading our senses with the latest tragedy, it’s easy to see why many people experience anxiety levels ranging from mild to gut-wrenching. The good news is that chiropractic care is useful for helping individuals manage their stress levels. Read on to see how visiting a chiropractor might just be what you need to add more relaxation to your life.
Stress is a catalyst that leads to many other issues including anxiety, depression, illness — not to mention a lack of sleep. You may feel like there is little to do to alleviate your stress. You can get some relief when you visit your chiropractor.
As stress attacks your body, it becomes difficult to accomplish most anything. Your mind wanders and experiences a lack of focus. Your body screams for relief in the form of headaches, migraines, muscle tension, and back/neck aches.
While stress has been trending downward in recent years, it’s still a massive issue in the United States and has a detrimental impact on health. Sources of stress vary from person to person, but the most commonly reported causes of stress are money, work, the economy, family responsibilities, and health concerns.
Thankfully, chiropractic care can help combat the symptoms of stress. Read on to learn more.
First, it’s important to understand how the body reacts to stress. There are three basic “channels” through which we perceive stress: environment, body, and emotions. Environmental stress is rather self-explanatory; let’s say you are walking down a quiet road and you hear a loud bang nearby, similar to an explosion. That is an environmental stressor. Pollution would be another example of environmental stress.
Stress through the body includes illness, lack of sleep or poor nutrition. Emotional stress is slightly different, as it encompasses how we interpret certain things. For example, if someone you work with is being passive-aggressive, you may choose to become stressed — “is he/she mad at me for some reason?” — or you may choose to brush it off — “they must be having a rough morning.” What’s unique about emotional stress is that we have control over how much of it we experience, much more so than environmental or body stressors.
Chronic stress produces muscle tension, can cause headaches, and nerve irritation. Chiropractors work primarily with the spine which is the root of the nervous system. They release muscle tension and manipulate the spine to relieve nerve irritation. When under chiropractic care your body can return to a more balanced and relaxed state. A healthy and balanced spine is the key to a more relaxed state of mind.
Your spine is literally the backbone of your neurological system. Your brain communicates everything, including functions such as breathing and swallowing, with the help of the spine. As you feel stress and begin to tense up, this causes your spine to move. Visiting the chiropractor for an adjustment will help your spine restore function to your body. You may find yourself to be sick less, have more energy and feel less stressed overall.
Chiropractic care is essential to the healthy function of the nervous system, which contains the brain and spinal cord. Chiropractic adjustments activate the parasympathetic system, which calms the “fight or flight” reaction triggered in the sympathetic system. Research has also shown that chiropractic care can reduce blood pressure.
If you feel as though the daily stress in your life is getting to be too high, consider visiting us so we can assess what the best option will be for you!