Sometimes at Sizemore Chiropractic, we refer to ourselves as innovative chiropractors.
What does that mean?
It means that we’ve taken a look at the current commercial landscape and how technology gets used to make people’s lives easier. Then we integrated a lot of those features into our chiropractic office website to make things easier for our patients. We get a lot of accident victims, people with reduced range of motion and mobility, and others who are tentative or unsure about how to handle pain and symptoms, but we also get people who have suffered from some technology-related conditions! Ever heard of texting neck?
Lifestyle conditions related to technology are a real thing. Poor ergonomics, a sedentary lifestyle or physically stressful factors in the workplace can do a number on your body. We see patients with muscle imbalances and a bad back from sitting in a poorly designed chair.
In this sense, we want to use technology to heal!
The New Patient Intake Process
What we’ve heard directly from our office manager is that new patient paperwork is one of the most confusing and inconvenient parts of getting acquainted with the chiropractic process.
That said, the new patient process doesn’t have to be a real chore. We’ve put all of our new patient paperwork online, to allow people to do all of it before they come into the office. It just changes the experience and helps to streamline how we meet new people who can really benefit from our chiropractic services. That’s our goal – to strengthen our role in the community as a healer, and to lead each patient toward results that will help him or her to feel better each day.
Social Media Innovation
We have a Facebook page, and we use it. You can find useful updates and news about treatments and more on Facebook, or on various other parts of our web footprint. Again, this helps the patient do research before coming into the office, and can save a lot of time for someone who needs treatment but doesn’t have all the time in the world to research.
Appointment Setting
Online appointment setting tools are also key efficiencies for a chiropractic office. If you’ve had the experience of calling into a busy doctor’s office of any kind you know that receptionists are often scrambling to keep on top of the phones and deal with patients. So having online appointment setting really helps to take the pressure off, and that also helps you to get what you need more quickly and more conveniently. Although we have great online resources, we want you to come on down to Sizemore Chiropractic and experience the warm and welcoming environment in our office. Dr. Sizemore loves to consult with new patients about how to treat their pain and symptoms and help them to improve their quality of life. Start a conversation with us about your long-term care needs and get feeling better today.